Thursday, March 29, 2012

Boston & Braxton's big welcome party!

I will start by saying THANK YOU to everyone that helped with my baby shower. It was everything I could have hoped for and I had sooooo much fun! Justin and I are so blessed to have so many loving and giving people in our lives. There isn't much more I can say than Thank you and I love you all, so I will let the pictures to the rest of the talking :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This week I have so many things I'm loving:

- I'm loving that my SIL, Aunt, and Cousin are here visting from out of town. We don't get to see them very often so it is always fun when they are here.

- I'm loving that I get to have lunch with my friend Sam and her two baby girls tomorrow. The older of the two girls,Ava, has quickly become one of the BFFs. She is seriously the most adorable thing ever!

-I'm loving that my baby shower is in 3 days! I cannot wait!! I'm so excited and blessed to have such wonderful people in my life that went through so much trouble to put it together for me! As I said above we have family in town and when I found out they were coming I made a HUGE request that the shower be moved up almost a month. And without any complaining (to me atleast ;) these amazing ladies went to work! I am so happy and excited!!!

-Although I am NOT loving that I have to go do my glucose test, I am loving that as of Friday it will be over and just one more thing to check off my to do list!

-I'm loving that I got to see my little boys on Monday. They are doing fantastic! The dr says everything is looking great. Little buggers weigh almost 2 pounds each! It's no wonder my baby bump is turning into a baby mountain so quickly!!

-I'm loving that my wonderful MIL helped me with the "A" and "Z" for the boy's alphabet wall. They look so cute and gave me the motivation I needed to finish the wall. I only have 3 letters left and the whole wall will be done! Woo hoo!!

-And as always I am loving this beautiful life I have been blessed with. I am surrounded by amazing friends, family, and the greatest husband a girl could ask for.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Playing catch up...

Oh boy! It's been a little while since my last post and a lot has happened! We have been very busy getting ready for our boys to get here. Lots of painting, shopping, and putting things together! The nursery is almost done! Wooo hoo! I just need to get the bedding, finish some letters for the ABC wall, and organize! I would have to say the biggest thing that has changed is my body! Oh heavens! The belly is getting bigger and bigger everyday... the simple things in life aren't so simple anymore. For example... putting on my shoes, getting out of bed, walking up stairs, and my very favorite... shaving my legs! I am doing pretty good so far though, haven't gained too much weight, my Dr. told me on Friday that I look fantastic! I like her a lot ;)

I have realized in the last 23 weeks that I am surrounded by the most amazing people. My family and friends have been more than loving and supportive. One of the things I am most excited for is my baby shower! My wonderful friend Brittney, incredible sister Lex, and loving momma are putting it together for me. We originally planned for the shower to be in Mid April, but a very last minute change was made when I found out Justin's sister, aunt, and cousin would be visiting March 20-25. Ashlee lives in Utah and we don't get to see her as much as we would like. His Aunt Sue and Cousin Morgan live in Colorado and we haven't seen them for almost 4 years. I knew it might be a long shot when I asked my amazing party planners if we could move the shower up almost a month, but I was so wrong. Without any complaining they went to work and my shower will now be March 24 :) I could not be more happy or appreciative that they were willing to make that change for me. They are keeping most of their plans secret but what I do know sounds so amazing and I can't wait!!

Another super fun thing that has happened is we got a new car! Woo! I have been saying for quite sometime now that I wanted to get a bigger car when we decided to have a baby. Well that happened a little quicker than we thought it would (we planned on a few months or trying... not a few weeks) so we decided we would wait a little on a new car. That plan was just fine when we thought we would only be transporting one baby. Now that we have two bundles of joy on the way we made an executive decision that a bigger car would be much nicer! I am so happy with our decision and LOVE my new Dodge Journey!!! I named her Aynsley.

So many things are changing for us right now and we are doing our best to stay calm and grounded. This whole experience has brought us so much closer as a couple. I could not have been blessed with a more amazing husband. He loves me and our boys so much and shows me that in everything that he does.

If you are just dying for more updates on the babies check out the hubby's blog at

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tipful Thursday

 This weeks tip is one you are REALLY going to want to remember.... when thinking up your life plans don't set a specific number to how many kids you want to have. Hubby and I have been saying for a while now that we only wanted to have 1 kid. One and Done we would say. Yesterday we went to our first ultrasound and we were soooo excited to see our little bean for the first time and then we got the shock of our's a boy, actually make that 2 boys! We are having twins!!!
 We are so happy! Very nervous and a little scared... but mostly just happy!I don't think it really hit me until last night when I was falling asleep, you see I am a list maker. I like to make lists for everything! So since we found out we had a little bundle of joy on the way as I'm falling asleep I make lists in my head. All the things we need to buy, names that I liked, health care plans to look up, things I want to do to the nursery. So last night as I 'm falling asleep I start making a list... Pick out a new crib (the one I wanted it too big to have 2 in the same room), pick out another name, update our registry so it shows 2 of everything... omg 2 babies... I am having 2 BABIES!!!! I'm still sorta in shock! I couldn't be more happy though.

For lots more updates on the boys (ahhhh 2 boys) please visit Justin's blog:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


This week I am loving:

That on Thursday last week I got to hear our sweet babies heartbeat again! The doctor says everything is looking great. I have only gained 4ish pounds so far! Woo!! We have our first ultra sound on the 25th, we should be able to find out if we should start buying tiaras or basketballs :)

Today we are officially at 16 weeks and I am starting to feel a little better... minus the heartburn, back aches, and AWFUL headaches! My energy level is starting to get back to normal. Maybe now I will actually start working on the dang nursery!

I seriously have the best baby sisters in the whole world! Victoria is like my little shopping buddy, I love that I can almost always count on her to come along with me. I hate shopping alone and it's so much fun to get to hang out with her just the two of us! Alexis is one of the funniest, sweetest, caring people I know. She is living with the hubs and I right now and it has been sooo much fun! Justin tells me all the time he isn't sure what he was thinking agreeing to this arrangement. But I think we are hilarious together!

I am getting my hair done this weekend by the beautiful Alexis. Can't wait!

Saturday we went to our friends the Erickson's house for dinner and games. We never made it to the games but we did stay at there house until 4 am talking! Which meant Sunday we spent the entire day in bed with headaches! We still had lots of fun though :)

My mom is home from school right now... you can say it, "You're Mom goes to college". Yes, she does and I am so proud of her! Like I said she is on a break right now which means I get to see her at lunch everyday. It's so nice to get to just sit and talk with her. I so love that I have a wonderful mom to share this amazing time in my life with.

and as always I am loving my husband. He is the greatest man I could have ever asked for. He is so good to me and the growing bean. I am very blessed to have him.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


This week I am loving:

That it is 2012! Woo hoo! 2011 was a fantastic year! We met new friends, went on a few adventures, fell more in love, and my favorite part...found out we are going to be parents!!

That this weekend we went to our friends the Erickson's house to celebrate New Years. It was so much fun! We played games, ate some SUPER tasty food, and laughed... A LOT! Before we knew it the clock read 3:00 a.m., I have not stayed awake that late since this baby took over my body! Needless to say I didn't wake up until after 1:00pm the next day :)

I finally went and got my blood work done for little baby Barrow. I had 5 weeks to do it and waited until the last minute because I hate giving blood. It's a good thing I took my adorable baby sister Victoria with me, well I guess she isn't really a baby anymore... she was my back up driver in case it made me sick! Let me just tell you they took 15 viles of blood!!! I about died when I saw the girl put them all down in front of me! Thank goodness that is over!

Monday the sista (Lex) and I went to get our nails done. I got this gel stuff done.... I LOVE it! They dry instantly, last about 2-3 weeks, and look FABULOUS!! One of the ladies in the salon told me some very interesting news... apparently this is a GREAT year to have a baby in her culture because it is the year of the dragon! I thought that was pretty cool :)

I have a pretty amazing husband. He is so good to me and our growing bean. I love that we can spend an entire day in bed (not exaggerating on that) watching the entire season 2 of SOA. I feel so blessed to share my forever with him :)

and last but not least I am loving these pictures of me and two of my favorite people in the world. A few years ago we decided that instead of buying Mom presents for Christmas we would have pictures of the three of us taken and give those to her. It's great for us because we have so much fun spending time together, and when split 3 ways it makes for a VERY affordable gift. But the best part is Mom loves and I mean LOVES this gift every year! Here are a few of my favorites from this years shoot:

Hoping everyone has a fantastic 2012 :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Catching up...

Well the past few weeks have gone by WAY too fast. I have been a busy bee trying to get ready for Christmas.... still not totally ready! The baby and I are doing great, you know besides the exhaustion, soreness, nausea, and the new and oh so lovely heartburn! I keep trying to remind myself to enjoy this time but right now June 27th can't come soon enough!

I am usually a very organized person. I like to have things done and ready long before they need to be. So when we found out that 2 would be turning into 3 I went to Lowes picked out my paint colors and was ready to paint! Well that didn't exactly happen. What was the craft room (and is currently a war zone) is going to be the baby's room... so the hot pink and brown walls aren't going to work for the nursery theme I want (bumblee bees. So cute!) But lately the only thing I feel like doing is sleep! Im hoping in the next few weeks I will recieve all this energy I keep hearing about! I promise to post lots of pictures of the makeover process.

In other news hubby got a promotion at work this week. I am so proud of him! He works so hard for our little family, I am so blessed to have found such an amazing man to spend my forever with.

I hope you all have an amazing Christmas weekend! I will be spending lots of time with family, relaxing, and eating! Merry Christmas!!