Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Life is changing...

Big things are happening at the Barrow house. Our lives are forever changing. We are having a baby! I cannot even begin to describe how happy, excited, and impatient I feel! I am about 11 weeks, my projected due date is June 27th (Which seems like FOREVER away). There is so much to get done but right now all I want to do is sleep! What a toll this little human has taken on my body and as I hear the worst is yet to come!

At this time in my life I feel so blessed to have such an amazing family. You may have noticed that "scared" was not in my list above explaining my feelings. I can honestly say I have no fear about this adorable baby coming into our lives (well besides the health of the baby of course) I feel very prepared. You see I have A LOT of experience when it comes to squishy little people. I am the oldest of 5, I worked in many daycares... including being the lead teacher in the infant room at one, and I have three little nieces and nephews that have allowed me to practices on them. I do realize it is different when it is your child and they are screaming at 3am but I really feel prepared for this journey. I know life is going to throw us curve balls but beyond being prepared I know what an amazing support group we have.

But what is even better than the amazing family I have is the amazing husband I have. I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful man to share this journey with. Justin is going to be a fantastic father! Our baby is so blessed to have him as a Dad. To prove to you just how amazing he is I challenge you to read his blog http://theloveofadaddy.blogspot.com/

Justin and I will continue to update our blogs so keep checking back for new news :)

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh June is a great month! My Birthday is on the 22nd and both of my sisters...one is 14...the other 8...was born of the 27th! I will always remember your baby's Birthday is he or she is born the 27th! Congrats by the way! You and Justin are going to make amazing parents!!! Love you!
